Blanche d'Argenteuil
Blanche d'Argenteuil
This is said to be the oldest fig grown in Argenteuil for the Paris market. It was brought to France by the Roman Emperor, Julian the Apostata.
Blanche d'Argenteuil is very productive, has two crops, each a different shape, and is a moderately sized fig tree. The first crop fig is greenish yellow outside and pink on the inside whereas the second crop is yellow outside and amber on the inside. It is a very juicy, not syrupy, sweet, refreshing and lightly fruit flavored fig. It is a very fragrant fig with a floral aroma. Mari says she smells roses, lavender and other flowers in this rustic fig. The first crop ripens in mid July and the second crop ripens in mid-August and continues all the way to the end of the season.
Origin: Baud
Other names: Blanche de Versailles
Available in 5 gallon nursery containers late Spring/Summer 2022